Saturday, August 29, 2009

Grocery Budget Shame

It is with much shame and disappointment that I post this entry.....

I recently decided set a budget of $400 a month for groceries and paper items. Since I do not work full time any longer, we really need to watch every penny. Keep in mind this is food, cleaning, paper goods, beauty items, diapers and formula (last month for formula). Since there are people out there that feed their family for as little as $40 a week, I though this was a completely reasonable goal- I BLEW PAST IT. I spent a whopping $729 in the month of August.
No, we don't eat steak and lobster every night. We do eat 90% of our meals at home and I cook a lot now. I have all kinds of excuses though - we entertained family and friends a few nights, I am waiting on rebates for many of the items I purchased, I went to Sam's Club to just buy charcoal and paid $40 extra to renew my membership, I stocked up on diapers at a low price.....I can keep going.....
Anyway you look at it, I have to do better. I am going to try my best to be UNDER budget for September with a goal of just $350 for the month. I will report in at the end of September. I certainly need some accountability!

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